About MVOW
MVOW (Mass valuation office workflow) is a system that allows you as a valuer to meet your contractual Mass Valuation obligations to the Valuer General of NSW.
The system is built and supported by professional software developers so you can be sure that your needs will be met by a team that is focused on service. This is our business, and we want to make your experience with the software as smooth as we can.
MVOW complies with all of the IT requirements mentioned in the latest RFT, and is licensed at a monthly fee, so you can prepare your budget in confidence.
Please contact our staff if you have any questions: we’re only too happy to help.
Globally accessible
MVOW is accessible from any platform that has a modern browser.
Specifically, we support the following browsers:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Edge
on the following operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows
- iOS
- Android
- Linux
VNSW compliant
MVOW is kept up to date with the latest file specifications, integrity checks, and the latest statistical analyses. Our goal is to make sure you don’t get any surprises when you send your supps, annual values and market data off to Valnet.
Our system can import Valnet files with the following formats:
- District property data files (RTDISTPROP)
- Component data files (RTCOMPDATA)
- Sales data files (RTSALEDATA)
- VAT exception files (RTVATEXOUT)
- Market data files (RTMRKTDATA). Yes, we import these files because when you take over a new contract area, you want to be able to load last year’s market data to get benchmark and sale analysis information.
MVOW can export files with the following information:
- Supplementary values files (RTSUPPVAL)
- Future values files (RTFUTURVAL)
- Market data files (RTMRKTDATA)
- Sale codes files (RTSALECODE)
- Component code update files (RTCOMPUPDT)
- VAT exception files (RTVATEXIN)
- Sale analysis zip files. In fact, you can select any number of sale analyses for export, and MVOW will package them into zip files that don’t exceed Valnet’s web server size restrictions.
- Worksheet zip files.
Our export process gives you information about the generated file (or files), including a list of informational, warning or error messages. These mirror Valnet’s integrity checks.
Securely hosted
While MVOW is accessible from anywhere, your data is secured by industry standard cryptography as it moves around.
Our login process is protected by two-factor authentication, so if your password is stolen, a malicious actor can’t log into MVOW without having your phone as well. We also allow you to specify a list of IP address from which connections will be accepted.
Within the application, you can determine any user’s access rights by assigning roles. The roles themselves provide a great detail of control, but sensible roles are provided with the system so you can get used to the system before tweaking to your satisfaction. When you’re comfortable with the idea, you can add and remove roles as you see fit.
Your data is backed up at least once a day, and we retain daily backups for a week, weekly backups for a month, and monthly backups for a year. We also offer upgrades that will allow you retain daily snapshots for a full year.
You can search the MVOW database in a number of ways. Search facilities are provided for:
- Properties
- Supps
- Sales
- Analyses
In each case, you will have:
- a simple search page containing only the most commonly used search fields;
- a full search page where you can build your own set of search criteria;
- a list of up to 20 recent searches that you can re-run simply by clicking;
- a list of your favourite searches; and
- a list of favourite and recent searches available from the desktop.
There is also a global quick search facility into which you can type PIDs, sale IDs, … in fact, any ID.
MVOW’s import facility is dead easy to operate. You just drag and drop your sales and supps file on to the browser, and click a process button. MVOW is capable of processing supps and sales in one pass. Yes, you have the opportunity of choosing whether or not to import out of contract or unconfirmed sales.
Sometimes it can take a while to import a lot of files, so MVOW will send you an email when the import process is complete.
Your import history is retained forever, and where appropriate, the log of changes is also retained.
Exporting is a matter of choosing your export type, your district (where necessary), and clicking the “Export” button. MVOW goes away and generates your file in the background. You can see the status of the export process as it advances from queued to processing to validating to ready. Depending on what you’re exporting, you’ll get a list of errors and warnings that are in sync with Valnet’s.
Integrated with ValMap
MVOW offers full integration with both the desktop and online versions of ValMap. If someone tells you it can’t be done, they’re wrong. You can click the icon wherever you see it, and have the properties show up in ValMap. Similarly, you can click the
icon in ValMap (or go through the process of extracting PIDs from the ValMap portal), and have a new property search results tab open in your browser, with the results being the properties you had selected in ValMap. No dramas.
As you may be aware, it can be a bit tricky getting ValMap to talk to another application, but we’re happy to help with this.
However, we actually go a bit beyond ValMap. In fact, in a few places, you will see links that will enable you to view the property not just in ValMap, but also in Google Maps, Google search results, SIX, or MVOW’s own in-app mapping functionality.
The system is complex and there is a lot you can do with it. Large systems can be daunting, so we provide you a full online help system to help you navigate through what you need to do. See https://help.mvow.com.au for more information. We’ve also added links to MVOW so that you can get to a relevant help page from most places within the system.